Is a General Practitioner the same as a Physician?

 Whether to look for a physician or GP in Melbourne? Read this article to understand how different they are.

General Practitioner Vs Physician

One of the most confusing expressions in medical science, 'General Practitioner' and 'Physician', are actually two different professional terms. While they both are linked to the same field, an individual's working abilities, qualifications, and experience decide which position he/she is best suitable for. These minute differences also serve as a thin line separating the two ends. Thus, mentioning the two terms equally and having no idea about their responsibilities might not be a wise thing to do. Moreover, recognizing them also aids in getting efficient and faster recovery from the underlying diseases.

 How to Recognize a GP and a Physician?

 The basic difference that separates the two professions is their specialty. GPs in Melbourne are trained to deal with almost all kinds of ailments, and hence the name. They are also referred to as a 'Know-it-all' doctor and are the first professionals you meet when visiting a hospital. Their work includes tracking the cause of the symptoms and offering case-specific medications. They might also refer for tests that will allow them to have a detailed review of your condition. However, as they have no specific specializations, extreme cases are forwarded to physicians and specialists. This term applies to anyone with required medical knowledge, having completed basic medical training and internship.

On the other hand, 'Physician' is a generic term that can be used for any medical doctor who has completed special training. Although all medical practitioners need to complete 4-5 years of medical studies, physicians are the ones who go further. Such an individual generally manages several hospitals under him/her and looks only at GP-referred patients. Also called 'Specialists,' they can be specialized in any particular field, including urology, endocrinology, cardiology, etc. In a hospital environment, GPs in Melbourne act as the 'first-hand care,' while the latter ones represent 'head of the department'.

Who is Better?

This is one of the frequently asked questions by the patients, not just from Melbourne but from all over the world.

In reality, there is no measuring factor between GPs and Melbourne CBD doctors when it comes to their capabilities and performance. The two job types are responsible for disparate tasks, and each one of them is best in what they do. While most family doctors are GP, physicians either have their clinics or supervise a hospital.

But the only factor that might need you to look for a specific medical profession is the severity of the symptoms. As discussed earlier, GPs in Melbourne treat all not-so-serious issues, while critically ill patients are sent to physicians or specialists.


No matter you are going for a physician or GP in Melbourne; make sure to consult only the best Melbourne CBD doctors. In case you’re not sure where to find them, consider Era Health Clinic as your ideal bet. You can either go for face to face consultation or book tele health consultation over telephone or Skype call. You will find a pool of highly qualified GPs and Physicians there with vast experience in their respective industries. 


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