Is a General Practitioner the same as a Physician?

Whether to look for a physician or GP in Melbourne? Read this article to understand how different they are. General Practitioner Vs Physician One of the most confusing expressions in medical science, 'General Practitioner' and 'Physician', are actually two different professional terms. While they both are linked to the same field, an individual's working abilities, qualifications, and experience decide which position he/she is best suitable for. These minute differences also serve as a thin line separating the two ends. Thus, mentioning the two terms equally and having no idea about their responsibilities might not be a wise thing to do. Moreover, recognizing them also aids in getting efficient and faster recovery from the underlying diseases. How to Recognize a GP and a Physician? The basic difference that separates the two professions is their specialty. GPs in Melbourne are trained to deal with almost all kinds of ailments, and hence the name. They are als...